When he is on dry land, Beto enjoys providing practical lessons on the skills needed for his endeavors at sea and in life, through his engaging stories. All of this illustrated with beautiful, exclusive images. He has given dozens of lectures for brands dedicated to creating a positive corporate culture.
There is no better teacher than the sea, no greater inspiration than Nature, no more rigorous coach than solitude. And Pandiani enchants audiences with his simple way of telling great stories about the sea and life.
With charisma and intelligence, Beto captivates everyone as he tells his adventures and lessons learned, transforming his journeys into stories that have already inspired tens of thousands of executives throughout Brazil.
See more details about his lectures here .
PlanNING and execution
Entrepreneurship and courage
Team spirit
ResourceS optimization
Sense of opportunity
dealING with adverse conditions
Ambition and Commitment
risk management
Decision making
Mistakes and lessons learned
Anxiety and frustration
Scarcity and abundance
Creativity and Innovation
Sustainability and collectivity
Brands that have been inspired by Beto
Crystal Water, Ambev, Atento, Attend Ambiental, BRF, BTG, C&IT, Cargil, Citibank, Dell, DHL, FBF, Gol, Itau Unibanco, JK Capital, Julius Bar, Locamerica, Brazilian Navy, Messem, Peninsula, Rede Globo, Reebok Sports, Senac, Sotreq, Tecban, Teresa Perez, Tyco, Vale, Vita Vivo, Volvo, Whirpool, YPO, Yuny

"In his 20-year executive career, Beto Pandiani's presentation was one of the most impactful I have ever seen, due to his rare ability to combine a passionate life story with the reality of contemporary companies that seek to establish a high-performance culture obtained through the best and most noble human skills. Memorable."
Paulo Kakinoff
Porto Seguro
"Beto demonstrates a great ability to draw parallels between his expeditions and the challenges of the corporate world; the messages of planning, leadership, resilience, motivation and overcoming are very striking and are transmitted in a very interactive and interesting way."
Gilberto Caldart

"Beto Pandiani's lecture takes us to the world of dreams, but serves as a warning about the reality of today's world, which we have an obligation to preserve."
João Doria Jr.
Grupo Lide
"He tells you about what he learned from the sea and sailing, and you travel along with him. You will hear a great storyteller combining teachings on planning, HR, performance and, above all, humanity. You travel through the lecture and leave better."
Sergio Valente
DDB Brasil

"Beto shows, with his experiences, the importance of planning and being able to count on people with the most appropriate profile for the type of challenge you will face. In a light-hearted way, he leaves these concepts well-defined."
Fabio Barbosa
"Betão has touched us all, both personally and professionally. This is not a lecture, but rather a "master class" on planning, creativity, entrepreneurship and life. He knows how to share the challenges, projects and lessons he has faced in an attractive way. May he inspire more and more people."
Rogério Dezembro
Allianz Park